Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday visited the Hanuman Mandir at Connaught Place with his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, and several Aam AadmiParty (AAP) leaders, a day after walking out of Tihar prison on bail in an excise policy case.
... in bordering areas of Delhi was also affected.'I was travelling from Jasola towards Connaught Place for an appointment with a doctor and it took me about two hours because of the traffic congestion.
Non-ticketed entry, the baoli’s quaint charm, and its proximity to Connaught Place means students and tourists alike throng the heritage structure in heavy numbers daily. Visitors at Agrasen ki Baoli near Connaught Place on Wednesday.
Varun Kumar and Vishal Sharma had also been booked under the stringent MCOCA in 2011.The arrests followed an investigation by a Connaught Place police station team, led by ACPAnil Samota and SHO inspector Sanjeev Kumar.
In her book “Connaught Place and the Making of the New Delhi” author Swapna Liddle writes that the town plan in terms of how the roads were laid out was quite distinctive and a scheme of hexagons and ...